Category: Monsters

Skin Kites | Monsters for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

Back in third edition, they had a few somewhat “controversial” books. One such book was Libris Mortiis, the Book of Undead. This book was full of all sorts of creepy, crawly, body-horrory type spells, monsters, and special options for 3rd. Seeing as how Fifth is a little more “public-friendly” than previous editions, I doubt such […]

Dragon Skeletons | Monsters for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

Currently, I’m in the process of building the first part of the dungeon for The Secret of Forsaken Peak. One of the first BBEGs of the game is a half-dragon goblin priest (that’s going to be a whole-lotta-templates, eh?) that runs the joint. At his side, he has an animated dragon skeleton that isn’t so […]

War Mages | Monsters for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

Volo’s Guide to Monsters generously introduces statistics for a variety of mages, each tied to a different arcane tradition. However, the one type of mage that’s missing, it seems, are the war mages from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. Since I need a few war mages today, I thought I might stat them up. Not only […]

Pyrolisks (Cockatrice Variants) | Monster for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

Cockatrices are one of those monsters that make awesome a-hole monsters at early levels but aren’t much to fear later on. However, back in second edition, the cockatrice had a firey cousin called the pyrolisk. Which, frankly, was way worse than a cockatrice. Or most other monsters for that matter. What is a pyrolisk? Frequently […]

3 New A-Hole Monsters to Torment Your Players With | Monsters for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

There are a few monsters in Dungeons & Dragons whose existence serves to only torment players. Whether it’s a monster disguised as a treasure chest (mimics!), or monsters that drop from the ceilings (piercers), or monsters that eat through metal (rust monsters!), let’s face it: these things don’t make evolutionary sense. Obviously, they’re the machinations […]

Zombify Everything Part 2 | Basilisks, Behirs, and Bugbears as Zombies

It’s been a while since I did the first, so I thought I’d crank out another one. After all, it’s the last day of November. And uh, it’s fall. So… zombies? I guess. Anyways! Here are zombie stats for basilisks, behirs, and bugbears. Basilisk Zombie Medium undead, unaligned Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points […]

Cloaker Variants for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

The cloaker is a cool monster. Basically, it’s a giant, talking manta ray that pretends to be a coat. They’re chaotic neutral, too, which means they kinda just want to do their own thing and be left alone. What really makes them bizarre, I feel, is that they look like bestial predators, have fluff that […]

The Ominmortis | Monster for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition [Updated]

I love this gig. Not just because I get to constantly write about the world’s #1 roleplaying game, but sometimes I get some… unusual… requests. Earlier today as I was going through my Instagram DM requests, I got a message from a fella named Matt. “Hey, can I get some advice? I’m a new DM […]

Vrüniks (Chaos Steeds) | Monsters for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

The chaosmen have had a tenuous relationship with traditional mounts. Unless the chaosman has a slave to tend to his horse, chances are he will let it die from starvation, thirst, or exhaustion. Or just murder it. So thank the Gods of Chaos for the vrüniks. These fiendish steeds, while chaotic and inherently evil themselves, […]

Chaosmen | Monsters for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

From the Kingdom of Chaos, they ride, the Chaosmen. Brown teeth gnashing and grimy claws gripping jagged, blood-stained swords, they howl like sick wolves. The philosophy of Chaos is simple: the universe does not adhere to order, so why should its many creations? Man is animal. He should continue to be animal. If he is […]